Saturday, April 01, 2006

I get all excited

Bragging 'bout how I can post from work, then, whippp, rug from feet, it's no longer true. Sorry folks, I've been technologically adrift without writing to anchor me, and there's no sign of my PC yet. I am however promised it's en route, albeit via Australia. (I'm exaggerating, but honestly, the delivery man is giving Ms West a run on the procrastinating re getting stuff to me, front).

Life is better. I'm still shattered but that's just cos I'm a sudden insomniac and to all those who have 'all good practice this sleep deprivation malarky' on the tips of tongues, I say maybe but personally I'd forgo the training secure in the knowledge that's to come, overdosing on the stuff in order to be functional when it hits. Other than that I'm well. Which makes a nice change. Tadpole is wriggling around and I can feel him now. I'm not sure he's a he cos I had the tell me scan (and YES, of course I want to know, when did you ever hear me say 'in four months please' when asked the 'you want it now, or in four months?' question). Sadly the little bugger wouldn't play ball, rebelling already, not being in the vein of mummy at all, refusing to open it's legs so the nice scanner lady could get a good look. 'Well it'll have to be a surprise then' she said to one crestfallen fat girl with a jelly smeared belly.
Other than that all was well when tadpole went on the telly. Cept that she's got the world's biggest head (and I mean in diameter, on a scale of head measurements) rather than just that, baby's have heads that are too big, hence why their necks can't hold them up for ages, stuff. And the widest hips, in fact, on every measurement she came up right on the edge of 'normal' veering heartlessly towards the big, seriously big, rip mum open, end of scale. Lil sis says 'ignore the nasty nurse who told you that, he's just had a growth spurt, will surely slow down and be just the right size to slip out'. I refrain from saying 'like yours were, what with the forceps and stirrups and two hundred stitches', but only just. My eyes water imagining it, so I pop it in the box labeled 'plenty of time to go there', alongside the birthing chapters of my pregnancy books. I worry for a bit she's a fatty, which you all know is something I've battled with and wouldn't wish on any child of mine, then I read that she's just baggy skin and bones at this stage, and wish she was a fatty, cos fat wouldn't hurt like cartilage.


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