Monday, October 09, 2006

Moving on

Tis time to let go of the preggers tag, old news, it makes me very down with the kids (in Hastings the average age of motherhood seems to be at least half mine), but tis no longer true, and 'what's life without an attempt at truth?' I hear my inner smugone mumble.

I'll send round details of the new blog once she's up and running - I'm still at the title formation stage. In the meantime, here's a glimpse into the current ruminations of my mind

Who should I thank for being gifted the best and cuddliest baby on the planet?
How lucky am I to be offered the role of agent to my favourite photographer bar Annie Lebovitch? (where's the W in that?) and if any of you see opening for Hannah's work, preferably on the architectural side, do please let me know.
If Russell Brand's slept with 2000 women (see Saturday's Guardian), surely I'm in with a chance?' (and does the no mates rules count if he snogged Nicki when they were at school or does her recent matrimony invalidate that for all but the hubby and serious long term exes, like first love boy?)
What can I do to convince Freddie that boobs are cool again, when mine are failing to satisfy him? How long should I continue trying to do the three pronged; boob, bottle, pump, feeding when it's taking over my life and making both of us unhappy?
Sod the knight in shining armour / pretty tomboys, just show me a decent tiler / electrician.
given that it's exactly 11 months since my last fumble, surely it's time for a dating frenzy, but, assuming I can find the dates (do you doubt me?) who should I ask to babysit?
How much will changing the status from no kids to have kids impact on the volume and type of responses my profile gets when I reignite my girl and boy dating sites subscriptions?
If having a threesome has always been a (albeit pretty unorigional) fantasy, should I take up the offers I've had through the girl site and go for it whilst my boobs stand up, my face is half decent and i'm single, or, would I actually do my own head in if I did?
How did I spend five years with that woman and fail to see what a selfish cow she is? (sam came home, again wreaked havoc, cheated on her dogsitting girlfriend and managed to show that getting what she wants has no boundaries, least of all her friendships as she trampled over Hannah's lovelife for the second time).
How cool is it that a Government programme gives me access to baby yoga, baby massage, baby swimming, parenting courses and free counselling?
If I am to fulfill me dream of playing Martha from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, where should I start? This is a rhetorical question. (I've decided that the Stables Theatre in Hastings is as good a place as any - but think that's a role I'm probably a few years off yet).
What's my chances of being made voluntarily redundant from the civil service, and were I to be, what should I do instead?
It is time to ditch the toyboys / toygirls for an older lover?
Is Morocco really too risky a place to take a small baby?

Answers here. elsewhere, or at the new place

p.s. The party's been postponed, sorry but I need a less dangerous kitchen for it, the gang weekend for Amy's birthday will go ahead on the 11th and that party will be rearranged for the new year.


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